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Our story so far

New Malden Town Centre Partnership

In the face of immense challenges following the COVID-19 pandemic, our community came together with a shared vision of revitalizing our beloved town. With the support of Kingston Council, local groups, and individual residents, we formed the New Malden Town Centre Partnership—a collective effort to bring new life, connection, and opportunity to our town.


A Journey of Progress

Back in 2022, with seed funding from the council and the GLA, we began laying the groundwork for our vision. It was a year of firsts: celebrating The Queen's Platinum Jubilee and Christmas with town-wide festivities, lighting up the High Street with winter tree displays and vibrant banners, and offering summer activities for children. Jubilee Square became a canvas for creative hoardings, and we revitalized the New Malden Business Forum, along with creating a digital business directory to support local enterprises.

By 2023, our efforts blossomed into something extraordinary. Through partnerships with artists like Julia Vogl and Carrie Reichardt, the 121 Collective, and Creative Youth, we explored themes of friendship, cultural diversity, and food. Together with local residents and businesses, we delivered an array of events, from the King’s Coronation celebrations to puppet theatre shows, horticultural swap shops, and farm-to-table experiences. We even opened a co-grow garden with Aulaw Organic, showing what’s possible when we come together as a community.

These projects didn’t just brighten our town—they strengthened the bonds that make New Malden a special place to live and work.


2024: A Year to Celebrate

This year has been a landmark for New Malden. In January, Jubilee Square came alive with the vibrant Tamil Pongal harvest festival, and in the autumn, we hosted the Korea Town Foundation's spectacular Hallyu Festival, showcasing taekwondo, K-pop, traditional dance, and even some unforgettable karaoke.

We’ve seen the culmination of the Food of Us project, which has brought people together through a shared love of food—planting, cooking, and exchanging ideas from around the world. Jubilee Square now boasts a stunning woodpecker mural on the multi-storey car park, while graffiti artists added their creative flair to the hoardings, making the square a hub of art and culture.

A special highlight for me was unveiling the mosaic in the station car park. It’s a lasting tribute to the rich history, heritage, and people of New Malden. We’ve also embraced wellness with initiatives like an Asian women’s running class and capped off the year with Christmas festivities across the High Street, St. George’s Square, and Jubilee Square.


A Message from the Chair

As Chair of the New Malden Town Centre Partnership, it has been my privilege to work alongside such a dedicated and inspiring community. Together, we’ve shown what can be achieved when we pull together, and I have every confidence that 2024 will bring even greater success.

Thank you for your continued support. Wishing you a joyful festive season and a Happy New Year!


Simon Edwards
Chair, New Malden Town Centre Partnership


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Our Aims

Collaborative Model

We work together with the local community, businesses and the Council

Our aim is to reflect the cultural diversity and interests of the local community, to promote the attractiveness and use of the town centre by:

  • Developing, promoting and implementing a programme of activities, projects and events

  • Widening and further improving the range of uses and activities in the town centre 

  • Identifying and securing improvements to the town centre environment and facilities.


Our Vision

A place where people connect

Our vision for New Malden is to build on its current strengths, for it to be a vibrant, interesting, friendly and popular place, successfully providing a wide range of local shopping, service, leisure, recreation, arts, culture and business uses in an attractive, safe and convenient environment, recognising and celebrating its cultural diversity and as a focus for local community activities.

Our Team

The Partnership is led by a Steering Group, which will normally consist of up to 12 members in total. The founding Members of the Steering Group come from local organisations with a connection to New Malden and interest in the town’s future development. 


The Steering Group is supported by a Community Connector, Danielle O'Shaughnessy, The Community Connector is responsible for managing community engagement for the new Town Square and other locations within the town centre boundary.


The Steering group may invite specialists or other individuals to attend meetings to advise on specific matters and The Steering Group may also establish task and finish groups, as appropriate, to deliver projects such as the Town Square events, improvements to New Malden station and precincts, High Street improvements [e.g. banners and lighting].

 Terms of Reference (TOR)

We are a newly formed group and therefore this is an evolving document that explains the way in which we are  functioning as of March 2022

Account Number: 36492268

Sort code: 30-99-50

Your support means a lot to us

©2022 by New Malden Town Centre Partnership. Proudly created with

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